How To Get More Money?
Performing rights organizations (ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC) do not collect all royalties. They only collect performance royalties and do not collect mechanical royalties. Don’t miss out on getting all of your money! Class Static is connected to rights societies to ensure your money will be collected worldwide.
What We Can Do For You

Online Copyright Registration
Protect your music by registering your songs with the U.S. Copyright Office.

Mechanical Royalties
Collect mechanical royalties in the U.S. and from foreign countries.

Performing Rights
Organization (PRO)
Not registered with a PRO? We will register you and your songs with a PRO so you can receive performance royalties.
Are you already registered with a PRO but still need your songs registered?
No problem! We will register your songs with the PRO you are affiliated with.

Provide updated statements for your royalties.

Have your music monitored on YouTube, collect royalties for your songs that you upload, and collect royalties for uploads of your songs by others.

Simple Song Registration
Our song registration process is simple!

Song Catalog
Provide a song registration catalog. You will be able to receive updates and progress on each song registered with our company.

One-on-one song registration consultation.
Music Publishing Royalties
Class Static
of music royalties are collected by
Class Static
Class Static VS Performing Rights Organizations

Class Static
Class Static collect all mechanical royalties worldwide. We collect royalties from mechanical record sales, mechanical streaming, and direct digital licensing (including YouTube).
Performing Rights Organizations
Performing Rights Organizations (PRO) collect performance royalties from radio plays, satellite radio, TV, some streaming, and ringtones.